Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's Been A Long Journey...

But I have been blessed!

We love that song and sing it with our pastor's family often.  Walking with Jesus, I have no regrets.  The only regrets I have are when He calls me to follow and I question or dig in my heels, which happens more often than I would like to admit (take blogging for instance... I haven't done it in awhile...).

Currently in Sunday School, we are working through Created to be God's Friend-Lessons from the Life of Abraham (How God Shapes Those He Loves) by Henry Blackaby & Kerry L. Skinner.  The statement that resonated with me was this one: What a person does when encountered by God reveals what he believes about God. Oy!

I believe God put my children in my life to be a witness and testimony to Him.  So, I have obediently taken the steps God has asked me to take with their health, their lives, their therapy etc.  And he has been so faithful and blessed us so abundantly!

We've all been called to a higher calling and purpose, once saved.  The question is, are we up to the challenge He sets before us?  Are we stepping out on faith?  Are we truly trusting and obeying (for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, right?)?  I have to say there are really times in my life when I (by my actions) tell the Lord that I know better, and I can do it on my own.  I forget that I am supposed to lean on Him, and so He is so faithful to rebuke me and put me back in my place!  I am so thankful for that.  I trust that God has an amazing plan in place for our family, and an eventual place in the ministry.  Until then... I trust and obey...

On another note... Dylan is doing great.  He has truly been a sport in all of this.  I don't know how in the world he has managed to be (dare I say it?) joyful in his circumstances.  I am so grateful that he shows me that you really can be happy in times of trial.  I can only imagine how cumbersome he must feel in that horrid cast, but when I talk to him, do his care, etc, he smiles that sweet boy smile of his, and I know if HE can be okay, so can I.  I know whom I have believed... and am persuaded that He is able...

One day (in the near future, I promise!) I will share the wonders of the surgery itself... but I hear laundry and dinner (and a walk if  I am lucky!) calling my name....

Until then sweet friends!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Prayer Journal Page!

Sorry I am late!  April's prayer journal page is available for download now!

Dylan's surgery went amazing... and he is healthy (small bout of pneumonia) and will only be in a cast for four weeks according to his surgeon.

I will do a more in depth update for tomorrow to share.  I just wanted to get the prayer journal page out!