Friday, April 10, 2015


I don't often get to participate in Five Minute Friday brought to you by Kate Motaung.  I enjoy it when I do!  One word prompt, five minutes, just write.  This week's prompt is: 

I love the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus." The old hymn has the line "...what a privilege to carry... everything to God in care." 

Often, I seek relief in things and people of this world, when truly I should take my needs and cares to the Lord.  He has the solution that ultimately I need, but often I don't have the patience want to wait for that answer.  I acknowledge I live in an immediate gratification society, and it's so hard to know there are times when I must be still, and wait for the answer, but in the mean time I must realize that my relief is immediate because in speaking to my Lord and Saviour, there should be immediate relief, because He already knows my need, and knows where the relief will come from.  

Do we truly look at it as a privilege to carry our burdens to the cross?  Do we seek him for the relief we need as often as we should?  I know I lack in the discipline to take my need to the cross.  Having Christ is a privilege, and the relief I find there is amazing.  

In Christ,