Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May One Word Link Up- Focus!

Wow!  It's been a few weeks since I blogged, because I have in fact been focusing on home life more.  Obviously, Dylan's surgery has forced me to do that, but other things have come into our world that have forced it.

1) Springtime.  The hardest time of the year for our family to focus, because we've been cooped up in our house for so long, all we want to do is GO OUTSIDE!  So we do.  This year we planted a much bigger garden with the most variety we have every planted.  So excited!

2) My sweet little girl got saved during revival!! It made me realize that I am supposed to be more focused on their sweet little spirits, their growth spiritually, and my own as well.  So a new focus goes into family Bible time.  And my own to be honest!

3) Being consistent in growing my business.  With renewed spirit and vigor I am excited to grow my stamping business.  It started with classes in May.  June and July's classes are going to be spectacular.  So excited to be back in the swing of things.

Just a few things going on around the house... but they help with the focus aspect of my life.


  1. Sounds like an exciting time for you and your family! :-)

    1. They have been! So much going, so little time!
