Monday, March 28, 2016

THM Week 2

Trim Healthy Mama hasn't been the easiest cooking format for me to get used to- but so far, so good.  The thing I am noticing is that we aren't eating enough vegetables- so my goal this week is to make sure there is enough incorporated in our meals.  

Last week, I managed to stay 75% on plan.  Even at a preachers wives' retreat.  Not bad, not bad.  The brownies during a late night round of Catch Phrase got me.  And then Easter.  And Chocolate.  So I will start with two deep "S" meals and get back on plan.  

Here are some of the meals we had last week: 


Mufflets (new cookbook) 
Mozzarella and Turkey Toast (old book) 
Bacon & Eggs 

Lunches & Dinners  
Bangin' Ranch Drums (New Cookbook) 
Baked Chicken Breast 
Collagen Creamed Spinach (New Cookbook) 
Green Chili Chicken Casserole (Mrs. Criddle's Kitchen) 
Pizza Casserole (Old Book) 
Cheeseburger Casserole (New Cookbook) 

The family is doing fine with the new cooking style, because for the kids it hasn't changed much.  They still get their food the way I used to cook (One Protein, One vegetable, one starch) because I always make their foods crossovers- none of my children need to lose any weight.  

I haven't lost any weight per say- but I know how hard I was and continue to be on my body when I make bad choices on food- so I am waiting a few weeks to worry about starting to lose weight.  

I hope your Resurrection Day was an amazing blessing to everyone and this week begins finding you refreshed and loved in the Lord.  

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