Friday, January 11, 2013

Decluttering-and Getting Organized-Focus

So, I have so much stuff around my house... it's hard to focus!  I think we have been on the road so much (4 different therapies, piano, church, etc) that the clutter collects, and just gets shoved from one room or place to another.  Frustration sets in, and then I feel my walls closing in on me.

One thing I have started focusing on is a Home Organization Binder.  If you are on Pinterest, I am sure you have seen a bazillion free printables pinned by your friends.  Well, I have jumped on the band wagon.  I am trying to maintain two blogs, and a family of four homeschooling children.  Organization, smorganization, right?

I slowly started last fall gravitating towards pantry rotation sheets, menu planning sheets, and Daily to do lists,  and that is when I found Erin at HappyOrganizedLife.  She was great to work with on customized sheets to meet my finicky needs, and made them all customizable in Adobe Acrobat, so that if I didn't want to hand write, I could type it and read better!  Plus, they are pretty!  She even made me this awesome coupon shopping list with price match columns.  Seriously, that small amount I paid for the sheet has been saved over and over again, just by helping me get organized when I grocery shop!

Right now on her blog, she is doing a series on Home Organization Binders, and giving away free downloads of prints that she usually sells on her Etsy store.  If you don't see something specific you need, ask her.  She will either find it or make it!

Have a great FOCUSED day!

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