Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 2: Rehabilitation- Faint Not

Remember yesterday's post, when I said that everyday would be different, and that I never know what to expect with Mr. Wyatt?  

This morning turned out to be one of those mornings- I made the mistake of letting little man sleep in a little bit (okay, maybe I overslept a little too) and the struggle was on!  We rolled into physical therapy 5 minutes late (it's only down the hall)- and then Wyatt got a good stretch.  He worked really hard yesterday and Miss Shannon wants to make sure she takes good care of his muscles.  Then he had an hour of occupational therapy, in which he has decided during his tenure here to build this large wooden eagle model (pictures will follow on this one in the coming days, I am sure.  There is talk of repairs with a hot glue gun, we shall see....).  

Then we had down time for two hours and decided to take a much needed (or wanted) trip to Target.  We shopped out the things we needed (I am going to do my best to start the 21 day fix again tomorrow AM and I got what I could to follow as closely as possible), and some clothing things for Wyatt and headed to the check out. Y'all know me.  I talk to everyone.  It's in my nature.  I LOVE to talk.  So the lady in front of me and I were conversating and she was about to check out and go- and she looked at me and asked if she could get my stuff too.  Y'all.  I of course tried to talk her out of it, but in the end she graciously blessed Wyatt and I.  Not because she bought a bunch of our stuff for us, but because she wanted to do something and acted on that feeling.  I cannot express to you what it did to my heart to have someone do that for me.  Just because she could, and wanted to.  

How often do we think- I should do something- but I don't know what.  Or I should say something, or pay someone a compliment- but we don't? Guys, these promptings don't come from us, but from an amazing Holy Spirit that talks to our hearts daily.  Don't try to rob someone of a blessing- let that blessing inspire you to bless another.. And another... And another.  The world needs more good- and we CAN change the world with Christian love- just by being the blessing.  I smiled all day from that small gesture that she made- a purchase that will get me through the week and possibly next here- and got to share that blessing with others just by sharing it with the nurses here- they were excited to hear something good happening in their community.

Thank you just seemed so insignificant... 

What good can you do, right where you sit, today, tomorrow, or next week?  

Galatians 6:9-10a
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all (men)...

Y'all.  Let's just do some good.... 
John 11:4

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