Friday, January 16, 2015

Creating Study Sheets That Work For You

Today I am showing you something that I was inspired to create based on several examples I found online.  For me, I am left handed, and need something I can take out independently and write on.  I didn't want anything in a notebook form like The Redheaded Hostess has offered over on her blog, because if you are studying in depth you would have to purchase several.  Plus having the printable on hand gives me the freedom to organize it out I please, and organize it how I want.  In notebooks, I cannot add or remove and move them around.  Plus, I cannot compile what from several without hauling around several notebooks.  It's just not workable for me, and I couldn't find where she had created a single sheet purchase for it- each notebook on her sight is $12.95.  It was just not a flexible fit for my needs.

These printables were created in Stampin' Up's My Digital Studio.  It took me about 2 days to get the hang of it and figure it out- but you get the idea!  I am not comfortable offering these as a free download as of right now, but wanted to share the tools I have been using to get a deeper knowledge of the Bible.  In growing *stronger* in Christ, I get my family stronger as well.  We all benefit from a deeper knowledge of the Lord.  If you have any questions about these designs, you can either click on the link above and purchase her notebooks, or I can help you create something for yourself.  

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