Friday, January 9, 2015


This is my first post on five minute Fridays.  In this wonderful and inspiring group, you are given a prompt, and for five minutes, you write about that prompt.

Today's prompt- Welcome. Fitting, as I am really just starting to invest my time in sharing the Lord in our lives, because I wanted a more neutral environment (blogging, neutral? eh, I know- but still) to freely share how God is working in our corner of the world and inspiring others.

Welcome- our family is far from perfect, but we are attempting to muddle through this corner of the world, with the cross God has given us to bear, while turning Jesus daily for guidance.

Welcome- we have two children with cerebral palsy, and our walk is quite a bit different.  But then, isn't everyone's walk different, full of hills and valleys, wins and losses?

Welcome- I look forward to sharing with you big wins, epic failures, and different ways I try to make our lives easier- even when they end up making our life harder in the end!

Welcome- and know, that my family's most intense desire is to let His light shine through us- even if it's through a broken pot (because sometimes beauty comes from the most imperfect and unexpected places!).

Welcome to my tiny little blog- I hope you feel encouraged here, and come back to visit soon!


1 comment:

  1. WELCOME to five minute Friday Amanda! It's a blast; my favorite time of the week. Love you post!!
