Monday, January 5, 2015

Get Stronger With Me Spiritually!!

This week, I am sharing some of the printables for study purposes I have been inspired to design!  When I chose the word Stronger for 2015, I knew it would be multi-faceted.  Spiritually speaking, I  know I have been luke-warm, and I don't want to be anymore!

I want to have an in depth love,thirst, and knowledge of Jesus.  I want to venture beyond the milk, and get to the meat of scripture.   I want to be comfortable sharing what I learn with people I love, and strangers alike.  In order for that to happen (in my eyes, anyway) I need to study, and have tools to study with!

My generation was what I believe was the beginning of the massive paperwork study type generation. So when I set out to look for study sheets for the Bible, I was really taken aback at what I found to be a lack of what I needed.  I found a couple of  things that somewhat met my need, but not entirely.  I found notebooks at The Redheaded Hostess that were supposed to be appropriate for all faiths, not just Mormon, but I wanted something I could print over and over and organize and re-organize as time went, but would still want to be able to read my notes (and use them for teaching or family devotions).  Then I found a few printables at One of A Kind Gifts, but nothing seemed to hold the key to entirely giving me what I wanted.  I appreciated what these ladies had given, and they inspired me, but I wanted something along those lines, but more me. So I created a whole slew of printables for me, and decided to go ahead and share them with the blog world.  If you need something like this, please feel free to download them and use them as much as you need, but please do not sell them or reproduce them in a manner than that is for personal study only! Thank You!

Over the next week, I will be slowly rolling out some of the things I designed and will be using in my own personal studies.  These might be for accountability, character (and characteristic) study, studying the Bible by Chapter & Book, devotion help sheets, sermon breakdowns, or just your daily check up checklist.

If you are anything like me, it is easy to hit the ground running in the morning with the intention of spending time with the Lord "later" and then it's dinner time and bedtime before you know it, and you haven't spent any time with the Lord, in His Word, or any time in prayer.  I can totally admit my shortcomings, and I wanted to change that this year!

Whether you believe it takes 21 or 66 days to develop habits, the truth is, it takes time, accountability and consistency, regardless of a timeline.  For me, this accountability comes in the form of a checklist.  I need a constant reminder to take a break from my daily to-do list to make time for God. I hate that I am that way, but I  want to be real.  So here is my check-list.  It has space for 6 weeks of checklist style reminders- Prayer/Journal, Bible Reading, Scripture Memory.  All very important aspects of my study time.  You can  download this here or click on the picture to download.

The other thing I am sharing today is a devotion sheet.  It's easy to breeze through reading a small devotion and check it off the list, but I wanted to really take the time to understand what my devotion 
was trying to teach me and how to apply it to my life.  So, here is a sheet for you usage as  well.

You can click here to download and  use this printable or click on the image to download.  

Enjoy, and I look forward to sharing with you over this next week!! 

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